So Im going to build a strictly hooked in surf setup and am wondering what clam cleat, pulleys and swivels you guys use on your set ups
at the same time Ill build a big ass chicken loop with short throw bar for wakeskating and unhooked small wave freestyle riding
So for setup #1 Whats the smoothest trim cleat out there and are there swiveling shackles on the market? What kind of line are most people using for the throw line?
Same thing goes for setup #2 except im just gonna use a 1:1 slingshot cleat above the bar. Whats the strongest line out there that will fit in the standard clam cleat. any info on how to make a big ass chicken loop with gear from westmarine?
#1: - cleat: ... theid2=167 - shackle, just swing by west marine or Steveston marine and grab one of the snap shackles with a swivel. FYI> the kind in the link you show doesn't always release under load, so you can upgrade to the wichard for that if you want: ... 00-IM.html - pulley - just grab anything off pretty much any kite bar. Or just grab a cheap ronstan or harken pulley from the marine store. - line - spectra (sometimes called dyneema). probably 1/4". buy lots to replace as needed. it's cheap. buddy in the link tied a knot, but it takes about 2 seconds to splice it which is cleaner and stronger.
big-ass chicken loop - just use all of the parts you already have, but splice a longer loop and feed some cheap plastic tubing over it. done.
for bonus points, put the shackle instead on the harness and just an eye-ring on the bar. Then you can still use your harness with someone else's bar in a pinch, plus it gives you a push-away release.