Daily Kiteboarding Pictures (click to enlarge)
alton wrote:My simple rules:
1. Get a baseline wind speed from http://wind.altoning.com/navtex?station=HOWE. Look for Howe Sound inflows at least S 10-15 by noon. Earlier is better. Later is worse.
2. Check the temperature gradient (from http://wind.altoning.com/temp) between Vancouver and Lillooet. If Lillooet is hotter than Vancouver by 5C (or more) add 5 knots to the baseline (above). I generally ignore Squamish and Whistler temperatures.
3. Check the Vancouver Airport http://wind.altoning.com/taf?station=CYVR METAR/TAF forecast. Southerly winds add to the baseline. Northerly and westerly reduce the baseline.
4. Check satellite images http://sat.wrh.noaa.gov/satellite/1km/Seattle/VIS1SEA.GIF for clear sky from Squamish to Lillooet. High (wispy) clouds are acceptable. Low fluffy clouds degrade conditions - more clouds means less wind and more gust.
5. Since forecasts can change quickly, at 10:30am recheck inflows at http://wind.altoning.com/navtex?station=HOWE before committing.
Don_C wrote:The morning that you intend to go up, the best place to check is here:
http://www.vancouverkiteboardingschool. ... -squamish/
Colin, at Vancouver Kite School, is very good at forecasting Squamish and Vancouver wind. He usually posts his forecasts quite early. He does not post every day. Only the days he thinks there will be wind.
The Youngin wrote:Hey CG can you switch the old link in "weather" to the new Colins forecast link in this thread
just so i dont have to keep going through this thread to find out whats happening
also what happened to the Bayside BBay link?
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